June 20, 2014

The twins are napping... time to blog!!!

I've missed blogging.  I don't make time for it these days.  I'd much rather eat, nap, clean, shower, or just sit, while the twins are occupied or napping.

So, a quick update:

KJ is still 9, counting down to her August birthday, to celebrate her first double-digit birthday.  She's enjoying really cool sciences classes this summer.  No soccer this summer.  (we missed out on the registration date).  She's enjoying her summer so far --although, on days with more chores and responsibilities, she very quickly lets me know that I'm making it "the worst summer ever!".  eh.  It's what every mother lives for, right?!  ha!

**well, the twins woke early from their nap.  I'm not even joking.  This is exactly why I don't have time to blog these days.**

So, here's a super quick . . . quickest update ever!

twins turned one on may 20

we didn't celebrate until June 8th because they had been sick for a while.

Liam started walking last week.

Elly started pulling up and cruising last week.

Liam signs: eat, all done, milk, sleep, play, (i think that's it)
He says: mama -as of this week, dada, and Hi currently sounds like a grunt "Huuuuh"

Elly signs:  sleep, all done
She says: dada

Liam is SUCH a problem solver!  I am always amazed at how he never gives up until he figures out how to do whatever it is he wants to do.  although he also has a major "drama" attitude when he isn't allowed to do what he wants (like flattens out on floor crying and all --yikes!)

Elly is still "sweeet Elly".  She just recently started with a therapist and teacher to help her with her 'low (muscle) tone'.  It wasn't necessary but we went ahead with it because it's only going to help her.  She's doing great on her own --about a week or two behind her brother.  She works hard to keep up with him.  But I love watching them interact together!

They both LOVE to eat.  Elly shovels everything into her mouth without really thinking twice about it.  Liam likes to study his food before even getting it close to his mouth.  He watches Elly a lot, to see what she thinks of it, and then he tries it!  hehe

Fav foods:
bean and cheese tacos
frozen peas (try them!)
and much more...

they basically eat everything and anything (including paper and cardboard still. lol)  the only thing that stands out in the "don't like" category is peanut butter for Elly.  And Liam does seem pickier than Elly.

We still cloth diaper.  I am still breastfeeding Elly and pumping (thank God) what I can for Laim (approx. 10-20oz, depending on the day and whether I can pump more than twice in a day.  I normally pump once in the morning and once before bedtime.  I do my absolute best to add an extra pump around 3pm and another around 8pm).

They love peek-a-boo, dancing, books, exploring, climbing.  Liam loves to help me with laundry:  he will take things out of the washer for me and I toss them into the dryer (I love it so much!).  Elly loves our dog.  Liam doesn't.  They love being outside but elly doesn't like the feel of grass on her body.

Oh, and Elly loves baths.  Liam does not.  Liam loves playing in the little outside pool.  Elly does not.

It's been such a joy!  I wish I could share more.  (well, actually, I do, on Instagram, life_hapns, and on facebook, Life Happens.  Lots of pictures and some posts on daily milestones and parts of our daily life.  so much quicker than blogging for me. --go find me and follow!)

There are probably typos and I know this is all a mess and not very organized.  But it's a post!

until my next decent break...

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