January 30, 2014

Increasing milk supply (#3), Day 32.

Day 32:  1/30/14

I just pumped 3.5 oz.  Not my norm for the past several days, but Elly nursed on both sides, I forgot to take my Levothyroxine yesterday (bad, I know), and I don't think I even remembered to take any of my MotherLove tincture.

 I did, however, remember to drink some Mothers Milk tea about 45 mins ago.

I almost didn't pump just now (yes, I should be sleeping right now; Liam will wake for his first bottle in just  a few hours).  I'm soooo exhausted.  I figured since Elly nursed on both sides, maybe it had emptied me enough to still trigger a 'fill up' by morning...?  I didn't want to chance it, though.  I've worked way too hard!  So, by the time I laid Elly in her crib, some of the Head-bobbin'-Eye-rollin' craziness had disappeared.  So, I sat and pumped --and then the Head-bobbin'-Eye-rollin' started back up again.  So badly that I was startling myself awake from my head falling foward.  haha!  I didn't pump very long.


It was quite a bit easier to 'want' to pump during the day today.  I had a clogged duct on my right side up until the evening.  All because my morning was so messed up...

Instead of my 'usual' wake up routine: wake up to feed Liam, pump (normally 14-16oz) while Liam drinks his bottle, nap while Liam naps, wake when Elly wakes, nurse elly, pump again two hrs later...

This morning went like this:
Wake to feed Liam.  Liam napped (drank up in record time and couldn't stay awake), so I napped, too.  Elly woke about 2 hrs later, ready to nurse.  She drank LOTS, since I hadn't yet pumped.  I finally pumped about 4 hours after waking for the first time in the day.  And of course, I didn't get my usual 14-16 oz 'morning supply', since I let her nurse first and then pumped super late.

That really threw my whole pumping routine off.  My milk-makers did NOT empty out correctly.  It caused a clog to begin.  Pain.  Fullness that wouldn't completely empty out.  But a very happy and full Elly.  hehe.

Even with how "off" everything felt today, I am so thankful to God.  I'm finally back to where I was back in October!!  I have to pump at least 5x's a day, BUT I'm still pumping out what Liam's daily needs, plus more on most days!!  Praise God!

Today's total:  24 oz; Pumped 3x

A little fun moment in our evening:  All three handling VERY important phone business.
Liam's new favorite "teether" is an old cell phone that we gave to KJ years ago, to play with.  I turned and saw Chris scrolling through his phone and Liam chewing on "his" phone... then KJ wanted to join in on the fun.  She ran up to grab another 'play phone' she has and started up a conversation (very serious conversation with one of the Kratt Brothers.  hehe)

Read more about my journey: 

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