Our family update:
We are all sick in some way or another --I think this is the first . . . a family who plays together, gets sick together?!
KJ has a fever again and a serious ear ache. I have a fever, swollen throat, and a burning sensation when I breathe that causes me to cough (it's a vicious cycle). Chris, well, he described having a scratchy throat (and I've heard him coughing -so it sounds similar to how I started and felt yesterday) and extreme exhaustion. We've literally all been lounging today (so much that it felt like a "lazy saturday"). Poor Chris did work this morning though. He worked from 630am-1130am and then headed to his dental appointment and picked up lunch and came home. he's been sleeping since around 6pm or so (it's already 10:00pm). I WANT TO SLEEP TOOOOO! :(
TTC update
I know that we decided that we weren't going to stress and focus ONLY on TTC --but seriously!! We need to put a little more effort into it! lol I've started to wonder if we are subconsciously avoiding, how did my friend say it last night . . . "doing the brown chicken brown cow" (as in powwchickawowwow! LOL) because we are so busy as a family of three and we are having quiet second thoughts about trying to become a family of four?! Geez, even typing it out seems so strange . . . A Family of FOUR... I did, however, two days ago, order my bulk supply of hpts (home preg. tests). It wasn't a massive bulk of 100 or anything -hee hee, just a supply of 15, I believe (enough to ease my anxiety through August or September) --and then I got one free, for whatever reason. :) I love free things. My grand total was only $10.60! Even more reason to love bulk hpts -thanks Monica! I do still feel it's a wise decision to only keep trying through the end of August or September because we are only 2 months into TTC and I'm already finding myself getting emotional when I see little ones. I was watching a father's day commercial (advertising some store) and there was a handsome little, maybe 5 or 6 year old, boy playing ball with his father and I just teared up and told Chris, "aw, I want us to have a son..." Uh, I don't know how crazy I'm going to seem to others when I'm staring at their child, crying. LOL Can you say CRAY-Z!!! I'm still doing "okay" though . . . actually, I must say incredibly well!!! I have not had any major endo episodes or pains! It's been wonderful. The little stabs I get of it every now and then is very manageable. I still haven't needed to take any pain meds sinc January!! Praise God!! :D
Last but not least, I would like to introduce the newest blog on the block . . . mrcmayfield's blog! Yup, that's right! I've still got "it"! :) hee hee I had this GRAND idea one night, as I was updating my blog. I told him "You know, hun, you should create a blog about what REALLY goes through your head as I nag and blab and talk your ear off about everything. What do you REALLY want to tell me when I complain about me tripping over your shoes, that you left in the middle of the walkway, AGAIN!!? --what really goes on in that head of yours?!" :) Well, after a week or two of joking back and forth (we would be having a conversation and instead of responding back in conversation to me, he would say something like "Dear blog, today . . .") It was a fun thing to throw around back and forth. Well, earlier this week, I open my laptop, to sign on, and what do I see? A cloud background with "MRCMAYFIELD" as the title. :) Now, I have yet to see an actual post, and we are still joking around with "Dear blog . . . ". We joke saying that a blog post of his would look something like this:
"Dear blog,
I've been asking my wife to clip my toenails and she just laughs at me. . .what's the big deal?!
I gave in. I clipped my toenails tonight.
I left the pile of clippings right where she'll step on them in the morning (evil laugh!).
mayfield out."
-but I KNOW we would all LOVE to read what really goes on in that mind of his --living in our world of "togetherness" . . . his view point on marriage, his chatty wife, our energetic-super-imaginative 5 year old, the sometimes messy/not so messy home, and last but not least . . . TTC! Every single blog I have ever followed about TTC has always been the woman's point of view.
So, pay him a visit and start "following". Maybe when he sees how interested others really are in a "male's" point of view -he'll start posting something?! We won't know until we try, now, will we? ;)
Happy Friday night and have a Happy Father's Day.
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