January 16, 2008

tomorrow's the day

Well, I'm sitting here just trying to relax. :) --I have been instructed NOT to eat anything else until further notice (sometime tomorrow, hopefully). I can only have liquids . . . If I would have known that my pre-op diet was going to start at 3pm (instead of 12am, like my paper work mentioned!) I would have eaten something for breakfast. BUT at least I got to eat a YUMMY Subway sandwich!!! YUMM-O!! And not only can I NOT eat any REAL food for who knows how long, I also had to drink 10oz. of 'magnesium citrate' --it tasted really funky!! Super sweet and tangy in a really wierd way!!! UGH!! :p

OH, and guess what happened today?! :( I LOCKED MY KEYS IN MY CAR!!! lol, what a day, today!! But, on the bright side, it was a great way to keep my mind focused on 'other' things. ha ha ha ;) I really couldn't (and still can't) believe that I put my keys down on the passenger seat and didn't remember to get them before I stepped out and manually locked all the doors . . . :( I was shocked when I returned to my car and saw them laying on the seat --with all the doors locked!! So, on top of all the co-payments I've recently dished out (and still have to dish out), I had to pay $37 dollars for the 40 seconds that the guy spent to 'Pop-a-Lock'!! ha ha . . . it took him less than a minute and "cha-ching" $37 just like that (snap)! WHAT A DAY!!!! HA ha . . .

I have to go and check-in tomorrow at 5:30am!! Super early, huh??!! The surgery is schedule for 7am. I will be taking Kryssa over to Grandma and Grandpa's house in about an hour or so. She will spend the night there and then Chris will go pick her up tomorrow night. She's knows something's up but she's not too sure what . . . it's a little hard to explain to her. So, there's not much more to blog right now --my nerves and extreme thoughts come and go but so far so good! Praise God.

Please, continue to pray for me and of course the surgical team . . . I signed paper work today that talked about blood transfusion and death. What a horrible paragraph to have to sign your name to --acknowledging that I am 'aware', etc..

Again, I will post as soon as have more to share . . .

Thanks a bunch for the prayers, support and encouragement! :) I'm thankful for it all --my spirits are lifted and I have peace; what more could I ask for right now?! :D

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