December 8, 2011

M-R-ay! ay! ay!

I've been in bed since Tuesday. My back is injured. I don't know what is causing all of this -yet. I have an MRI scheduled for today, Thursday, at 6pm. I'm nervous. The doc scared me when he said that I have been risking paralysis --because I've just been pushing myself even though I can barely hold my own weight up (can barely, and sometimes can't at all, walk, sit, lay, move, laugh... Everything is very very hard to do right now -even just taking in a breath. :(. I pray for answers and some relief to happen soon.

It first happened on November 9 of this year. I went to The emergency room on the 10th, had bed rest until I went back to work on the 15th. It was super tough but it was the newest baby's first day and I really dislike closing. I barely managed. The last week of November was my vacation week and I could barely even take a car ride to buy a Christmas tree with my family. And then, finally, I had two days, December 4th and 5th, of being about 90% back to my norm; and then, because I felt so great, I decided to scrub my oven, on monday, and later sat on the floor with the babies... I was stuck. I couldn't move -again. I had hoped it was just stiff from cleaning and sitting on the floor. But no. I ended up reliving November 9th, and the days to follow.

So, I saw my doc on Tuesday and he said for sure 7 days of bed rest. Then we will go from there --depending if I can move yet or not. The MRI will show whatever is wrong or damaged and then I am scheduled to see a pain management doctor. I have no idea what news tomorrow will bring...

For now, I am taking Norco every 6 hrs and probably gaining 10 pounds a day. Lol. I'm learning to rest and let everything else just be...

(my God-sent, "other half", bff, captured this moment of "rest")

1 comment:

  1. OMGoodness! That is scary! We know it is in God's hands, and that is all we can do. I am praying for you, always. Phil 4:13
    I love you! Let me know if you need anything! Now, I might make things worse by bringing 4 littles along with me if you do need anything, LOL! Jk, but I am here, none the less.
