So, I don't know how long it's been since my last blog; but I thought I would start the New Year off w/ one! hee hee.
goes back to work tomorrow and that alone will be an adjustment for all
of us. His promotion has been a wonderful blessing for our family.
Everything really seems to be going well. I am not supersticious so I'm
not knocking on wood over here or anything -ha ha ha . . . I am just
thankful to God for the time that he allows our life to run smoothly.
know, there have been a couple of people that insist that 2007 is going
to be "The Year" for me and Chris (and Kryssa, of course). I pray to
God that 2007 will be a mark in History for us. What exactly -don't
really know yet -I just know that a lot has gone on for us, with us and
to us (especially me -booooo!) So, I'm ready. Not like the fact that a
new number appears behind the 200_ means that everything is now better;
but we will live through each month, yet, another time -all that's
ahead of us, we have the opportunity to do something differently to get a
different (better) result . . . okay, well, anyway -maybe that's just
me being all deep in thought -lol! So, needless to say, I AM THANKFUL
FOR 2007 AND WHAT IS TO COME!!!! "What is meant to be WILL be!"
our holidays have been absolutely wonderful. I just love spending them
w/ close family and friends and that is exactly how it went. Our
families mixed w/ some Uncle Jesse and Tia "Issa", Tia Monchica, "Uncle
Boocas", Izzy Bear and Lani, and Tia Ciara = WONDERFUL Times!!
night was just as wonderful! My sis, Jackie and her family happened to
be driving through town, heading back home, so they were able to stop by
and join in on our New Year's Celebration. It was super
Fantabulous to get to see them all!! After they got back on the road it
was already 11:15pm -really close to the fireworks show time- so we
played a little bit of Cranium Pop 5 and then we bundled up and headed
outside. I actually popped some fireworks that required fire and gave a
big boom! lol, I normally just stick to my Sparklers and Poppers! hee
hee. Well, Chris and I had a blast lighting those things and Everyone
else enjoyed watching -hee hee. Our parents just sit back w/ Kryssa and
enjoy the show. Chris and Poppa bought this huge 26 shooter or
whatever they are called. Basically, at midnight, Chris lit a triangle
shaped box -the box set off a total of 26 beautiful fireworks waaaaaay
up in the sky -the ones that take off w/ a BIG BOOOOM and end w/ beautiful designs, colors and any combination of crackle crackle, whistle, Pop! It was GREAT!!! 
we cleaned up our section of the street -the enormous mess-ha ha ha, we
all came inside to eat Menudo that my mom had made here and then for
dessert we ate Capirotada (Mexican Bread Pudding). It's an old family
tradition/dessert that our Grandmothers used to make and I want to carry
on the dessert/tradition so I made it w/ my mom for the new year -New
Year = New Dessert -for Chris, that is. He had never tasted Menudo and
we got him to taste it last night. It was halarious because he
was soooo scared of what it might taste like that he just put it in his
mouth and SWALLOWED it -w/out chewing any of it LOL!!!! He was so cute
-the faces he was making! LoL. So then I got him to taste the
capirotada; I made sure to tell him to chew and not just swallow. His
response was, "It's okay . . ." and then I asked if he wanted any more, I
was thinking he actually liked it -but he quickly said, "No, thanks,
you can have the rest." -hee hee at least he tried it though.
Good for him!
now Chris is sleeping in and Kryssa and I are lounging around, for
now. Maybe we'll go shopping later. Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention how
we have been working on our house. We bought a garage door opener,
which is really exciting to us! lol. We are buying a really nice
medicine cabinet for our bathroom, a futon for the 'second living' area,
downstairs -it will be a sitting room. Chris has found a cute little
corner wrap around breakfast table and bench thing for our breakfast
area and then the upstairs guest room is turning into our "Game room".
Our old tv from downstairs is going in that room, another futon is going
in that room and my Ab Lounge (that we just bought -I'm super excited
to see some results!!), some weights and Chris even said an excersice
ball will end up in that room too!!! My "music" room should stay my
music room -I haven't heard anything about that changing -Yet. Kryssa
now has the Full size bed that was in the guest room (which she
absolutely LOVES) and any guests that we have will now have an option of
the downstairs futon or the game room futon (See, Ciara, you will have
some options now!! hee hee
. . . So, shopping we should go today!! hee hee . . .
many wonderful things to look forward to: I start taking care of a
little girl on the 8th (Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays- I just
love the days and hours -oh and the family!!). Then, some time next
month I start teaching music and vocal -which I am SUPER DEEEEE DUPER
excited about (a little nervous; but ready for the opportunity!) Oh,
and we are "planning" for another little 'baby Mayfield' for 2008!!
-life doesn't always go as planned, so we will just see how this all
works out! hee hee maybe sooner
, maybe later
. . . it's all in God's Hands -what's meant to be Will be!!
So, in all that you do -Be Blessed and enjoy any and every moment to it's Fullest . . . Happy 2007!!!